
INE. Instituto Nacional de Estad stica. National Statistics Institute. Spanish Statistical Office. El INE elabora y distribuye estadisticas de Espana. Este servidor. Rua da Caixa Econ mica n 18, C.P. 116, Fazenda - Praia Santiago - Cabo Verde. El INE Dr. Juan H. Jara es el Instituto de Epidemiolog a de la Administraci n Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud Dr. Carlos G. Malbr n (ANLIS. Tel fono: (591-2)2222333 Fax: (591-2)2222885 Correo electr nico: Direcci n: Calle Carrasco 1391 - Miraflores La Paz - Bolivia. Censos 2011 Resultados definitivos Instituto Nacional de Estat stica. On my webpage I like to share the video's that I create as well as some images, photo's and my Powerpoint presentations I created in the past. I hope you enjoy. Welcome back to INE Please sign in to continue. Email Address. Password. Soy